New York Matrimonial Trial Handbook, 2d Edition ( Electronic and pdf editions)
The New York Matrimonial Trial Handbook 2d Edition, by Joel R. Brandes, is a “how to” book for lawyers. It focuses on the procedural and substantive law, as well as the law of evidence, that an attorney must have at his or her fingertips when trying a matrimonial action. There are thousands of suggested questions for the examination of witnesses at trial to establish each cause of action and requests for ancillary relief, as well as for the cross-examination of difficult witnesses.
This Second Edition includes changes in the law and important cases decided by the New York courts since the First Edition was published in 2017. It is current through September 1, 2024. It contains additional questions for the examination of witnesses, and covers the recent revisions to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5 TR) and the new APA Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations.
Table of Contents